賓館 中央Selene


We are taking preventive measures against COVID-19 for the safety and well-being of our guests.

Single Twin Family-3 Family-4
A40 4,000 7,000 10,500 14,000
A42 4,200 7,600 11,400 15,200
A/B50 5,000 9,000 13,500 18,000
B55 5,500 10,000 15,000 20,000
B58 5,800 10,400 15,600 20,800
B60 6,000 11,000 16,500 22,000

Special rate days

Single Twin Family-3 Family-4
D47 4,700 8,400 12,600 16,800
D52 5,200 9,400 14,100 18,800
D55 5,500 10,000 15,000 20,000
D60 6,000 11,000 16,500 22,000
D65 6,500 12,000 18,000 24,000
D70 7,000 13,000 19,500 26,000
D75 7,500 14,000 21,000 28,000
D80 8,000 15,000 22,500 30,000
  • Notice of Free Lending
    • 刮鬍刀
    • 頭髮用梳子
    • 棉花及棉花棒
    • 髮箍
    • 電熱水壺
    • 花王 Risessyu 除臭劑(衣物除菌、消臭、除菌噴劑)
    • 洗髮精及浴室用容器
    • 攜帶式充電器
    • 鬧鐘
    • 枕頭(填充物一半為塑膠小管)
    • 熨斗
    • 褲子自動平整器
    • 立式電燈
    • 延長線(1公尺長)
    • 空氣加濕器(冬天限定)
    • 被子(冬天)限定)
    • 旅行插頭適配器
    * There is Limited Stock.
  • Notice of 10% Cash Back Service
    Participating Stores

    Diner MIYAMOTO MUNASHI (Taishi Store)
    Family Mart (Taishi Store)

    Please give your receipts with the store's stamp on them to the clerk at the front desk.

    We will give you 10% cash back on the total amount for food and drinks (amounts less than ¥100 are excluded).
  • Notice of Checkout Time
    • Checkout Time: 10 AM
    • Late Checkout
      Up until 12:00: ¥1100 per person additional charge
      From 12:00 until 2 PM: ¥2200 per person additional charge
    ※ Checkout after 2 PM will require payment for an additional night’s lodging
  • Wireless internet is available
    Now, we provide high-speed wireless internet access in all rooms and lobby for free.


* Check-in time 15:00 to 25:00
* Reception hours 6:00 to 25:00


TEL 06-6647-2758
FAX 06-6647-7049