*Reservations are accepted for up to Three months in advance before your planned stay.
- 단체예약,견학희망,질문이 있으실경우에는 비고란에 내용을기입하여 예약버튼을 눌러주십시요.
- Please fill in the reservation form with your full name in English on your passport.
- Please fill in the correct address and telephone number and e-mail address.
We will not reply to the any reservation with your first name only, no telephone number or e-mail address we can't send.
Please change your e-mail settings to receive the hotel e-mail: @chuohotels.jp
For group reservations, requests to see the rooms, or other questions, please write in the "Notes" space only on the form and click the "submit reservation" button.
Gmail Users & Hanmail Users:
Using the following e-mail domains we can't send the reservation or reply the e-mail we sent.
We recommend to use other e-mail address to make a reservation or inquiry to the hotel.
요금 안내
- High rate applies to following dates;
1-9-15 Taishi Nishinari-ku Osaka-shi Japan 557-0002TEL 06-6647-6130
FAX 06-6647-6178